Do you make greeting cards yourself? Whether the answer is yes or no, you'll probably like to know that there's lots you can do without buying expensive embellishments!
And that's exactly what I focus on here!
If you've got basic supplies like paper, scissors, glue, buttons, stickers and ribbon... then you're ready to get started!
If you're bran new to card making, you might like to read how to make a card using a card blank.
A card blank is simply a blank folded canvas that makes your cards easier to start, sturdier and easy to write in.
Once you have your card blank made, it's time to make your card.
Are you now thinking card making supplies?
For some of us, it can get a little crazy at the craft store picking out card making supplies. Why? Maybe it's because they're just all so cute, it's hard to choose!
Ok, that's not so bad but then I end up with a basket full of super cute stuff that cost a super lot of money and... uh oh! It really does add up fast...
That's why I love card making projects that utilize more basic craft supplies like flowers from my own garden and the paper, ribbon and beads already in my craft box.
Here's a few of my creative card making ideas (that all use basic supplies).
Each one of these card making ideas can be customized using the paper and supplies you have on hand.
You'll also find printable card making templates when needed!
When you make greeting cards for fun, nothing is off limits (as long as it's reasonably flat)... just check out this recycled craft card (shown to the right) for an example.
Are you ready for a simple but incredibly useful card making secret?
Haha, I call it a secret because no ever spelled it out for me. I just noticed it through time and experience and I think it's a handy thing to know.
My secret to incredibly fast and easy cards is dimension!
Adding dimension will take your cards to the next level. Dimension can be carefully added to a variety of embellishments, to make them pop out and to add to the overall quality of your cards.
For example, you can make a simple square or rectangle from craft foam (I prefer self-sticking foam) and use it to frame and/or mat anything from a simple sticker to an image cut from gift wrap.
That's what I do every year when I make super quick homemade Valentines... it's really the basis for these cards and how my kids and I whip a bunch up in just minutes.
You can also buy dimensional dots to put under select embellishments so they stand out... or for less money, you can again use children's craft foam cut to small circles or squares.
I used dimensional dots to give the butterfly wings a little dimension in one of my butterfly outline cards and I was really happy with the effect.
Greeting cards can be super simple like those above, or they can be the gift themselves, featuring an extra special centerpiece like a charm, beads or a special photograph.
Beading making supplies can be surprisingly handy when you need to make greeting cards for a very special occasion... say for a Wedding gift or a special Anniversary.
Here's how I made the beaded charm cards shown in the picture and where you can get the inexpensive charms I used, should you happen to want to make your own!
Though I love the flat charms used in the cards above, I had a blast challenging myself to make a similar card without them. I came up with this beaded charm card (no charm required) that uses a simple key chain ring for the centerpiece.
My local dollar store has packages of key chain rings so yours might too!
If you buy your own card blanks, they will probably come with envelopes. In many cases, you will want a customized envelope, one that matches your cards in color, pattern, design and of course size.
To achieve this, you can make your own envelope or embellish a white envelope as needed.
Tip... Bulky and/or delicate handmade greeting cards may need to be sent in a padded envelope, such as a bubble mailer.
...If you want to take your card making skills even further, check out Card Making Magic. Christina has a ton of beautiful and creative card making ideas!